Manufacturers of smartphones, tablets, notebooks, flat screen TVs, monitors and other technology are using aluminium more and more. Its aesthetic qualities and practicality guarantee the growing popularity of the metal in this sector. Aluminium bodies appear stylish and robust, while remaining light and durable.
Aluminium producers offer designers and engineers new and improved aluminium alloys, with or without anodising, polished and matte, smooth or ridged, allowing for more complex and intricate designs.
For the global giants of electronics manufacture, aluminium is an excellent replacement for steel or plastic; it is more durable and robust than plastic, lighter than steel and effectively dissipates the heat generated during operation.
Aluminium is just as commonly used in the manufacture of furniture and interior design. Tables, chairs, blinds, picture frames, lamps, decorative wall panels, A/C systems and radiators are all produced using aluminium. Designers value this metal as it allows them to create unique looks and items, as well as it being easy to work with and aesthetically pleasing.
Have you even seen a kitchen without aluminium? We are not just talking about household appliances, but modern, technological, safe and aesthetic kitchenware, from pots and pans to baking items and mixers. This kitchenware is easy to wash, conducts heat effectively and allows the item to heat up evenly, is resistance to scratches, dents and corrosion, not forgetting aluminium’s design advantages.
Its low weight, durability, ease has put aluminium in first place in the sector of sporting goods. Bicycle frames and scooters are made using aluminium alloy as a basis, from the 5xxx, 6xxx and 7xxx series. Aluminium is the most widely used material in the manufacture of bicycle frames. It seems that these frames have the best weight to cost value, as these bicycles are quick to accelerate, resistant to corrosion and necessary for heavy machinery.
Another sports item that is closely associated with aluminium is ski poles, and the metal is indispensable in the manufacturing of mountaineering equipment. In this sport, particular emphasis is put on the robust and light quality of the product, mountaineers trust their equipment with their lives, taking everything needed for the climb and for survival. It is unsurprising then, that the choice metal of mountaineers around the world is aluminium.