25.10.2023 - Aluminium Association
These figures were announced at the 18th National Industrial Congress, attended by Irina Kazovskaya, Chairperson of the Aluminium Association, and Artyom Asatur, the Association’s Vice Chairperson. Experts discussed the current state of the domestic aluminium market, its future, and the potential for green in-vestments in manufacturing facilities.
The 18th National Industrial Congress marked the start of Russian Industrial Week, taking place at the Expo Centre on October 23-26, 2023. Denis Manturov, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Industry and Trade, addressed the plenary session. Igor Levitin, Aide to the President of the Russian Federation, and Ser-gey Katyrin, President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry also attended the event.
Irina Kazovskaya spoke at the Metallurgy: A New Direction for Development session with the presentation Boosting Domestic Consumption as a Growth Driver for the Aluminium Industry. In her address, Irina Kazovskaya showcased the Aluminium Association’s projects and actionable plan, initiated by the Associa-tion, to stimulate demand for aluminium industry products up to 2025 and beyond 2030. This key docu-ment for the domestic aluminium industry is very actionable. It outlines the timelines, responsible parties, and the anticipated economic impact of each action.
A key focus of the Plan is local programmes for the use of advanced aluminium structures and products across many sectors, from transport infrastructure and housing construction to healthcare and education facilities. items 8 and 9 of the Plan will enhance the awareness of Russian market players about the benefits of aluminium solutions and identify the local needs for aluminium products. This is expected to boost the consumption of domestic aluminium products to 30,000 tonnes per year.
"Implementing this document will have a positive, synergy effect on the development of related sectors: construction, transport infrastructure, power generation, consumer products, automotive, and so on," noted Irina Kazovskaya. "Higher aluminium consumption aligns with global ESG principles, as this metal is environmentally friendly and can be endlessly recycled with minimal costs and no loss of performance," said Irina Kazovskaya.
According to the Aluminium Association’s strategic goals, domestic aluminium consumption should increase by more than 400,000~500,000 tonnes to reach 1.5 million tonnes per year by 2026. This equates to about 10 kg per capita per year, bringing it in line with the steadily increasing global average. Meanwhile, an in-crease in aluminium consumption indicates the development of domestic high-tech industries, for which this metal is critically important: green construction, energy generation, automotive, and general manufac-turing, recyclable packaging, and so on.
With the Association’s support, a range of innovative projects are in progress. They include aluminium-zirconium electric conductors for overhead power lines, components for AURUS cars (levers, knuckles, en-gine mounts, gearbox, engine, the hood will be available soon), additive technologies and 3D printing, inno-vative hopper railcars, and more.
Artyom Asatur, Vice Chairperson of the Aluminium Association, spoke at the Industrial Cooperation and Investment Projects within the EAEU strategic session, discussing initiatives to support domestic companies striving to reduce their climate and environmental impact. "The aluminium industry must comply with the still-relevant ESG agenda," noted Artyom Asatur. Our initiatives are aimed at sustainable industrial devel-opment and cooperation within the EAEU”, said Artyom Asatur. In some aspects, such as investment in green energy, new markets have surpassed traditional ones. Adher-ence to stringent environmental demands is becoming a crucial aspect of domestic product competitive-ness. Lately, Russia has acknowledged the green agenda as part of its national interest, with carbon regula-tion being introduced across the country. Domestic export sectors need additional support to meet the de-mand for green and low-carbon products. We need to establish and maintain a national green brand and remove restrictions on trade in low-carbon products.
Artyom Asatur, Vice Chairperson of the Aluminium Association, spoke at the Industrial Cooperation and Investment Projects within the EAEU strategic session, discussing initiatives to support domestic companies striving to reduce their climate and environmental impact. "The aluminium industry must comply with the still-relevant ESG agenda," noted Artyom Asatur. Our initiatives are aimed at sustainable industrial devel-opment and cooperation within the EAEU”, said Artyom Asatur.
In some aspects, such as investment in green energy, new markets have surpassed traditional ones. Adher-ence to stringent environmental demands is becoming a crucial aspect of domestic product competitive-ness. Lately, Russia has acknowledged the green agenda as part of its national interest, with carbon regula-tion being introduced across the country. Domestic export sectors need additional support to meet the de-mand for green and low-carbon products. We need to establish and maintain a national green brand and remove restrictions on trade in low-carbon products. The event was attended by representatives of the industry, government agencies, development institutions, and industry associations. They discussed the urgent industry issues: technological sovereignty, digital transformation, government support, and more.